The new media has distorted moral values of many individuals especially the young and impressionable. As the new media is too large and cannot be controlled, individuals can easily open websites that portray women in a degrading manner.
As these websites are easily accessible, the younger audience can gain access to these websites and they might be obsessed over it and develop sexual urges at a very young age.
Statistics on Internet Pornography
One recent study has shown that adolescents whose media diet includes more sexual content— and content that presents sexuality in a risk-free light— are also likely to engage in more sexual activity and report a greater degree of openness to sexual activity. (Anderson et al., 2003)
With greater openness to sex, many young audiences may think love is just a culmination of sex. Many young boys might pressure their girlfriends into having sex and if they were to refuse, these boys would then force themselves upon the girls.
Let’s not attack pornographic sites but instead just observe our everyday lives. We are constantly inundated with advertisements vying for our attention and of course the money in our pockets. If you take a good look at these advertisements, almost half of them use women’s sexuality to sell their product
Gucci Guilty
Not only that, the sanctity of the female body is degraded in vivid implicit and explicit portrayals of sex in television and movies.
Sex scenes are never uncommon in movies and televisions series. In fact, these scenes might even be the highlight of the entire movie!
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1.
"Am I the only one who watched Breaking Dawn just for the bed scenes and not for their crappy storyline?"
Pictures from Google
Videos from Youtube
"END VIOLENCE TOGETHER For The Dignity Of Every Woman"; ""
Rainn Satistics on Rape;
""Studying Medis Effects on Children And Youth" ;
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